Class: oTool

$. oTool

new $.oTool(id, name)

openHarmony/openHarmony_tool.js, line 82
The constructor for the $.oTool class
Name Type Description
id int The id of the tool
name name The name of the tool
Name Type Description
id int The id of the tool
name name The name of the tool
// Access the list of currently existing tools by using the $.app object
var tools = $;

// output the list of tools names and ids
for (var i in tools){
  log(i+" "+tools[i].name)

// To get a tool by name, use the $.app.getToolByName() function
var brushTool = $.app.getToolByName("Brush");
log (" "            // Output: Brush 9

// it's also possible to activate a tool in several ways:
$.app.currentTool = 9;         // using the tool "id"
$.app.currentTool = brushTool  // by passing a oTool object
$.app.currentTool = "Brush"    // using the tool name

brushTool.activate()           // by using the activate function of the oTool class



The list of stencils this tool can use. Not currently supported by custom tools.



openHarmony/openHarmony_tool.js, line 124
Activates the tool.