Class: oPieButton

$. oPieButton

This subclass of QPushButton provides an easy way to create a button for a PieMenu.
This class is a subclass of QPushButton and all the methods from that class are available to modify this button.

new $.oPieButton(iconFile, text, parent)

openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 1272
The constructor for $.oPieButton
Name Type Description
iconFile string The icon file for the button
text string A text to display next to the icon
parent QWidget The parent QWidget for the button. Automatically set during initialisation of the menu.



openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 1315
Reimplement this function in order to activate the button and also close the menu.


openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 1304
Closes the parent menu of the button and all its subWidgets.