Class: oMetadata

$. oMetadata

Provides access to getting/setting metadata as an object interface.
Given a node as a source, will use provide the metadata associated to that node, otherwise provides metadata for the scene.

new $.oMetadata(source)

openHarmony/openHarmony_metadata.js, line 65
The constructor for the $.oMetadata class.
Name Type Description
source $.oNode A node as the source of the metadata-- otherwise provides the scene metadata.
  • Need to extend this to allow node metadata.
var metadata = $.scene.getMetadata();
metadata.create( "mySceneMetadataName", {"ref":"thisReferenceValue"} );
metadata["mySceneMetadataName"]; //Provides: {"ref":"thisReferenceValue"}



Creates a new metadata based on name and value.
The metadata is created on the source to which this metadata object references.


Removes a new metadata based on name and value.
The metadata is removed from the source to which this metadata object references.



openHarmony/openHarmony_metadata.js, line 76
Refreshes the preferences by re-reading the preference file and ingesting their values appropriately. They are then available as properties of this class.
Note, any new preferences will not be available as properties until Harmony saves the preference file at exit. In order to reference new preferences, use the get function.
Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.6.3 on Wed Apr 19 2023 08:48:28 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)