Class: oPieMenu

$. oPieMenu

A type of menu with nested levels that appear around the mouse

new $.oPieMenu(name, widgets, show, minAngle, maxAngle, radius, position)

openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 551
The $.oPieMenu constructor.
Name Type Default Description
name string The name for this pie Menu.
widgets Array.<QWidget> optional The widgets to display in the menu.
show bool false optional Whether to immediately show the dialog.
minAngle float optional The low limit of the range of angles used by the menu, in multiples of PI (0 : left, 0.5 : top, 1 : right, -0.5 : bottom)
maxAngle float optional The high limit of the range of angles used by the menu, in multiples of PI (0 : left, 0.5 : top, 1 : right, -0.5 : bottom)
radius float optional The radius of the menu.
position $.oPoint optional The central position of the menu.
Name Type Description
name string The name for this pie Menu.
widgets Array.<QWidget> The widgets to display in the menu.
minAngle float The low limit of the range of angles used by the menu, in multiples of PI (0 : left, 0.5 : top, 1 : right, -0.5 : bottom)
maxAngle float The high limit of the range of angles used by the menu, in multiples of PI (0 : left, 0.5 : top, 1 : right, -0.5 : bottom)
radius float The radius of the menu.
position $.oPoint The central position of the menu or button position for imbricated menus.
menuWidget QWidget The central position of the menu or button position for imbricated menus.
sliceColor QColor The color of the slices. Can set to any fill type accepted by QBrush
backgroundColor QColor The background of the menu. Can set to any fill type accepted by QBrush
linesColor QColor The color of the lines.
// This example function creates a menu full of generated push buttons with callbacks, but any type of widget can be added.
// Normally it doesn't make sense to create buttons this way, and they will be created one by one to cater to specific needs,
// such as launching Harmony actions, or scripts, etc. Assign this function to a shortcut by creating a Harmony Package for it.

function openMenu(){

  // we create a list of tool widgets for our submenu
  var toolSubMenuWidgets = [
    new $.oToolButton("select"),
    new $.oToolButton("brush"),
    new $.oToolButton("pencil"),
    new $.oToolButton("eraser"),
  // we initialise our submenu
  var toolSubMenu = new $.oPieSubMenu("tools", toolSubMenuWidgets);

  // we create a list of tool widgets for our submenu
  // (check out the scripts from and, they are great!)
  var ScriptSubMenuWidgets = [
    new $.oScriptButton(specialFolders.userScripts + "/CF_CopyPastePivots_1.0.1.js", "CF_CopyPastePivots" ),
    new $.oScriptButton(specialFolders.userScripts + "/ANM_Paste_In_Place.js", "ANM_Paste_In_Place"),
    new $.oScriptButton(specialFolders.userScripts + "/ANM_Set_Layer_Pivots_At_Center_Of_Drawings.js", "ANM_Set_Layer_Pivots_At_Center_Of_Drawings"),
    new $.oScriptButton(specialFolders.userScripts + "/DEF_Copy_Deformation_Values_To_Resting.js", "DEF_Copy_Deformation_Values_To_Resting"),
  var scriptsSubMenu = new $.oPieSubMenu("scripts", ScriptSubMenuWidgets);

  // we create a list of color widgets for our submenu
  var colorSubMenuWidgets = []
  var currentPalette = $.scn.selectedPalette
  var colors = currentPalette.colors
  for (var i in colors){
    colorSubMenuWidgets.push(new $.oColorButton(, colors[i].name));
  var colorSubMenu = new $.oPieSubMenu("colors", colorSubMenuWidgets);

  onionSkinSlider = new QSlider(Qt.Horizontal)
  onionSkinSlider.minimum = 0;
	onionSkinSlider.maximum = 256;

  // widgets that will appear in the main menu
  var mainWidgets = [

  // we initialise our main menu. The numerical values are for the minimum and maximum angle of the
  // circle in multiples of Pi. Going clockwise, 0 is right, 1 is left, -0.5 is the bottom from the right,
  // and 1.5 is the bottom from the left side. 0.5 is the top of the circle.
  var menu = new $.oPieMenu("menu", mainWidgets, false, -0.2, 1.2);

  // configurating the look of it
  // var backgroundGradient = new QRadialGradient (, menu.maxRadius);
  // var menuBg = menu.backgroundColor
  // backgroundGradient.setColorAt(1, new QColor(,,, 255));
  // backgroundGradient.setColorAt(0, menuBg);

  // var sliceGradient = new QRadialGradient (, menu.maxRadius);
  // var menuColor = menu.sliceColor
  // sliceGradient.setColorAt(1, new QColor(,,, 20));
  // sliceGradient.setColorAt(0, menuColor);

  // menu.backgroundColor = backgroundGradient
  // menu.sliceColor = sliceGradient

  // we show it!;



The top left point of the entire widget


The center of the entire widget


The max radius of the pie background


The min radius of the pie background


The widget size of the pie background (it's a square so it's both the width and the height.)



openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 794
Builds the menu's main button.
Type Description


openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 715
function run when the menu button is clicked