Class: oElement

$. oElement

$.oElement Class

new $.oElement(id, oColumnObject)

openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 62
The base class for the $.oElement.
Elements hold the drawings displayed by a "READ" Node or Drawing Node. They can be used to create new drawings, rename them, etc.
Name Type Description
id int The element ID.
oColumnObject $.oColumn The column object associated to the element.
Name Type Description
id int The element ID.
oColumnObject $.oColumn The column object associated to the element.



The drawings available in the element.


The file format of the element.


The name of the element.


The palettes linked to this element.


The folder path of the element on the filesystem.


addDrawing(atFrame, name, filename, convertToTvg){$.oDrawing}

openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 159
Adds a drawing to the element. Provide a filename to import an external file as a drawing.
Name Type Default Description
atFrame int 1 optional The frame at which to add the drawing on the $.oDrawingColumn. Values < 1 create no exposure.
name name optional The name of the drawing to add.
filename string optional Optionally, a path for a drawing file to use for this drawing. Can pass an oFile object as well.
convertToTvg bool false optional If the filename isn't a tvg file, specify if you want it converted (this doesn't vectorize the drawing).
Type Description
$.oDrawing The added drawing


openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 278
Duplicate an element.
Name Type Description
name string optional The new name for the duplicated element.
Type Description
$.oElement The duplicate element


openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 223
Gets a drawing object by the id.
Name Type Description
id string The id of the drawing to get.
Type Description
$.oDrawing The drawing found by the search


openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 208
Gets a drawing object by the name.
Name Type Description
name string The name of the drawing to get.
Type Description
$.oDrawing The drawing found by the search

linkPalette(oPaletteObject, listIndex){$.oPalette}

openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 237
Link a provided palette to an element as an Element palette.
Name Type Description
oPaletteObject $.oPalette The oPalette object to link
listIndex int optional The index in the element palette list at which to add the newly linked palette
Type Description
$.oPalette The linked element palette.


openHarmony/openHarmony_element.js, line 253
If the palette passed as a parameter is linked to this element, it will be unlinked, and moved to the scene palette list.
Name Type Description
oPaletteObject $.oPalette
Type Description
bool the success of the unlinking process.