Class: oColorValue

$. oColorValue

Constructor for the $.oColorValue Class.

new $.oColorValue(colorValue)

openHarmony/openHarmony_color.js, line 72
This class holds a color value. It can be used to set color attributes to a specific value and to convert colors between different formats such as hex strings, RGBA decompositions, as well as HSL values.
Name Type Description
colorValue string/object Hex string value, or object in form {rgba}
Name Type Description
r int The int value of the red component.
g int The int value of the green component.
b int The int value of the blue component.
a int The int value of the alpha component.
// initialise the class to start setting up attributes and making conversions by creating a new instance

var myColor = new $.oColorValue("#336600ff");
$.log(myColor.r+" "+mycolor.g+" "+myColor.b+" "+myColor+a) // you can then access each component of the color

var myBackdrop = $.scn.root.addBackdrop("Backdrop")
var myBackdrop.color = myColor                             // can be used to set the color of a backdrop



Gets the color's HUE value.


Gets the color's LIGHTNESS value.


Gets the color's SATURATION value.



openHarmony/openHarmony_color.js, line 146
Ingest a hex string in form #RRGGBBAA to define the colour.
Name Type Description
hexString string The colour in form #RRGGBBAA


openHarmony/openHarmony_color.js, line 164
Uses a color integer (used in backdrops) and parses the INT; applies the RGBA components of the INT to thos oColorValue
Name Type Description
colorInt int 24 bit-shifted integer containing RGBA values


openHarmony/openHarmony_color.js, line 138
The colour value represented as a string.


openHarmony/openHarmony_color.js, line 112
Creates an int from the color value, as used for backdrop colors.


openHarmony/openHarmony_color.js, line 121
The colour value represented as a string.