Class: oPalette

$. oPalette

$.oPalette Base Class

new $.oPalette(paletteObject, paletteListObject)

openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 65
$.oPalette constructor.
Name Type Description
paletteObject palette The Harmony palette object.
paletteListObject paletteList The Harmony paletteListObject object.
Name Type Description
paletteObject palette The Harmony palette object.
scene oSceneObject The DOM Scene object.



The oColor objects contained in the palette.


The color currently active in the palette view. 'null' if no color is currently selected


The element containing the palette if stored in element folder.


The palette ID.


The palette index in the palette list.


The palette name.


The storage place for the palette (environment, scene, job, element or external)


The palette path on disk.


Whether the palette is selected.


addColor(name, colorValue)

openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 274
Adds a solid color to the palette
Name Type Description
name string the display name for the newly created color
colorValue $.oColorValue a $.oColorValue object describing the color

addGradient(name, colorValues, radial)

openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 301
Adds a gradient to the palette, using the passed values
Name Type Description
name string
colorValues object an object with keys between 0 and 1 containing a colorValue for each "tack". ex: {0: new $.oColorValue("000000ff"), 1:new $.oColorValue("ffffffff")}
radial bool

addTexture(name, texturePath, tiled)

openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 287
Adds a texture swatch to the palette
Name Type Description
name string
texturePath string
tiled bool Wether the texture will be tiled or not


openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 324
Gets a oColor object based on id. 'null' if the color is not found in this palette
Name Type Description
id string the color id as found in toonboom palette file.


openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 339
Gets a oColor object based on name. Warning: more than one color can have the same name in a palette, the first one found will be returned.
Name Type Description
name string the color name for the color in the palette.


openHarmony/openHarmony_palette.js, line 354
Removes the palette file from the filesystem and palette list.
Name Type Description
removeFile bool Whether the palette file should be removed on the filesystem.