Class: oProgressDialog

$. oProgressDialog

An simple progress dialog to display the progress of a task. To react to the user clicking the cancel button, connect a function to $.oProgressDialog.canceled() signal. When $.batchmode is true, the progress will be outputed as a "Progress : value/range" string to the Harmony stdout.

new $.oProgressDialog(labelText, range, title, show)

openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 394
The $.oProgressDialog constructor.
Name Type Default Description
labelText string optional The text displayed above the progress bar.
range string 100 optional The maximum value that represents a full progress bar.
title string optional The title of the dialog
show bool false optional Whether to immediately show the dialog.
Name Type Description
wasCanceled bool Whether the progress bar was cancelled.
canceled $.oSignal A Signal emited when the dialog is canceled. Can be connected to a callback.



Whether the Progress Dialog was cancelled by the user.
  • use $.oProgressDialog.wasCanceled to get the cancel status, or connect a function to the "canceled" signal.


    The text displayed by the window.


    The maximum value that can be displayed by the progress dialog (equivalent to "finished")


    The current value of the progress bar. Setting this to the value of 'range' will close the dialog.



    openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 525
    Closes the dialog.


    openHarmony/openHarmony_dialog.js, line 513
    Shows the dialog.