Class: oPreference

$. oPreference

The oPreference class wraps a single preference item.

new $.oPreference(category, keyword, type, description, descriptionText)

openHarmony/openHarmony_preferences.js, line 413
The constructor for the oPreference Class.
Name Type Description
category string The category of the preference
keyword string The keyword used by the preference
type string The type of value held by the preference
description string A short string of description
descriptionText string The complete tooltip text for the preference
// To access the preferences of Harmony, grab the preference object in the $.oApp class:
var prefs = $.app.preferences;

// It's then possible to access all available preferences of the software:
for (var i in prefs){
  log (i+" "+prefs[i]);

// accessing the preference value can be done directly by using the dot notation:

//the details objects of the preferences object allows access to more information about each preference
var details = prefs.details
log(details.USE_OVERLAY_UNDERLAY_ART.category+" "" "+details.USE_OVERLAY_UNDERLAY_ART.type);

for (var i in details){
  log(i+" "+JSON.stringify(details[i]))       // each object inside detail is a complete oPreference instance

// the preference object also holds a categories array with the list of all categories
log (prefs.categories)



get and set a preference value