Class: oProcess

$. oProcess

Process class that allows user to launch executables outside harmony and get feedback from them.

new $.oProcess(bin, queryArgs)

openHarmony/openHarmony_threading.js, line 356
The constructor for $.oProcess.
Name Type Description
bin string The path to the binary executable that will be launched.
queryArgs Array.<string> A string array of the different arguments given to the command.
Name Type Description
readyRead $.oSignal A $.oSignal that can be connected to a callback, emitted every time new messages are outputted by the oProcess. Signature: readyRead(stdout (string))
finished $.oSignal A $.oSignal that can be connected to a callback, emitted when the oProcess has finished. Signature: finished(returnCode(int), stdout(string))
process QProcess the QProcess object wrapped by the $.oProcess object.
bin string The path to the binary executable that will be launched.
queryArgs Array.<string> A string array of the different arguments given to the command.
log string The full log of all the messages outputted over the course of the process lifetime.



Which channel will the process read from. Set before launching the process. can take the values "All", "Output" and "Error".



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Execute a process and waits for the end of the execution.
Type Description
string The lines as returned by the process.


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kills the process instantly (useful for hanging processes, etc).


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Execute a process as a separate application, which doesn't block the script execution and stops the script from interacting with it further.

launchAndRead(readCallback, finishedCallback)

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Execute a process and read the result as a string.
Name Type Description
readCallback function optional User can provide a function to execute when new info can be read. This function's first argument will contain the available output from the process.
finishedCallback function optional User can provide a function to execute when new process has finished
// This example from the openHarmony oScene.renderWriteNodes() function code
// uses the oProcess class to launch an async process and print its progress
// to the MessageLog.

// declaring the binary called by the process
var harmonyBin = specialFolders.bin+"/HarmonyPremium";

// building the list of arguments based on user provided input
var args = ["-batch", "-frames", startFrame, endFrame, "-res", resX, resY];

// different arguments depending on wether the scene is stored on the database or offline
if ({

// Create the process with the arguments above
var p = new this.$.oProcess(harmonyBin, args);
p.readChannel = "All"; // specifying which channel of the process we will listen to: here we listen to both stdout and error.

// creating an async process
if (renderInBackground){
  var length = endFrame - startFrame;

  // Creating a function to respond to new readable information on the output channel.
  // This function takes a "message" argument which will contain the returned output of the process.

  var progressDialogue = new this.$.oProgressDialog("Rendering : ",length,"Render Write Nodes", true);
  var self = this;

  var renderProgress = function(message){
    // parsing the message to find a Rendered frame number.
    var progressRegex = /Rendered Frame ([0-9]+)/igm;
    var matches = [];
    while (match = progressRegex.exec(message)) {
    if (matches.length!=0){
      // if a number is found, we compare it to the total frames in the render to deduce a completion percentage.
      var progress = parseInt(matches.pop(),10)
      progressDialogue.label = "Rendering Frame: "+progress+"/"+length
      progressDialogue.value = progress;
      var percentage = Math.round(progress/length*100);
      self.$.log("render : "+percentage+"% complete");

  // Creating a function that will trigger when process exits.
  // This function can take an "exit code" argument that will tell if the process terminated without problem.

  var renderFinished = function(exitCode){
    // here we simply output that the render completed successfully.
    progressDialogue.label = "Rendering Finished"
       progressDialogue.value = length;
    self.$.log(exitCode+" : render finished");

  // launching the process in async mode by providing true as first argument, and then the functions created above.

  p.launchAndRead(renderProgress, renderFinished);
  this.$.log("Starting render of scene ";

  // if we don't want to use an async process and prefer to freeze the execution while waiting, we can simply call:
  var readout  = p.execute();

// we return the output of the process in case we didn't use async.
return readout


openHarmony/openHarmony_threading.js, line 550
read the output of a process.
Type Description
string The lines as returned by the process since the last "read" instruction


openHarmony/openHarmony_threading.js, line 422
Attempts to terminate the process execution by asking it to close itself.