Class: oFrame

$. oFrame

Frames describe the frames of a oColumn, and allow to access the value, ease settings, as well as frameNumber.

new $.oFrame(frameNumber, oColumnObject, subColumns)

openHarmony/openHarmony_frame.js, line 81
The constructor for the $.oFrame.
Name Type Description
frameNumber int The frame to which this references.
oColumnObject oColumn The column to which this frame references.
subColumns int The subcolumn index.
Name Type Description
frameNumber int The frame to which this references.
column oColumn The oColumnObject to which this frame references.
attributeObject oAttribute The oAttributeObject to which this frame references.
subColumns int The subcolumn index.
// to access the frames of a column, simply call oColumn.frames:
var myColumn = $.scn.columns[O]      // access the first column of the list of columns present in the scene

var frames = myColumn.frames;

// then you can iterate over them to check their properties:

for (var i in frames){

// you can get and set the value of the frame

frames[1].value = 5;   // frame array values and frameNumbers are matched, so this sets the value of frame 1



Whether the frame is tweened or constant. Uses nearest keyframe if this frame isnt.


Determines the frame's continuity setting. Can take the values "CORNER", (two independant bezier handles on each side), "SMOOTH"(handles are aligned) or "STRAIGHT" (no handles and in straight lines).


The duration of the keyframe exposure of the frame.


Gets a general ease object for the frame, which can be used to set frames to the same ease values. ease Objects contain the following properties: x : frame number y : position of the value of the column or velocity for 3dpath easeIn : a $.oPoint object representing the left handle for bezier columns, or a {point, ease} object for ease columns. easeOut : a $.oPoint object representing the left handle for bezier columns, or a {point, ease} object for ease columns. continuity : the type of bezier used by the point. constant : wether the frame is interpolated or a held value.


Gets the ease parameter of the segment, easing into this frame.


Gets the ease parameter of the segment, easing out of this frame.


Identifies if the frame is blank/empty.


Whether the frame is a keyframe.


Whether the frame is a keyframe.


Whether the frame is a keyframe.
  • For case consistency, keyframe will never have a capital F


    Find the index of this frame in the corresponding columns keyframes. -1 if unavailable.


    Find the the nearest keyframe to this, on the left. Returns itself if it is a key.


    Find the the nearest keyframe to this, on the right.


    Returns the drawing types used in the drawing column. K = key drawings, I = inbetween, B = breakdown


    Identifies the starting frame of the exposed drawing.


    Identifies or sets whether there is a tween. Inverse of constant.


    The value of the frame. Contextual to the attribute type.
    • Include setting values on column that don't have attributes linked?


    Access the velocity value of a keyframe from a 3DPATH column.


    extend(duration, replace)

    openHarmony/openHarmony_frame.js, line 592
    Extends the frames value to the specified duration, replaces in the event that replace is specified.
    Name Type Description
    duration int The duration to extend it to; if no duration specified, extends to the next available keyframe.
    replace bool Setting this to false will insert frames as opposed to overwrite existing ones.