Class: oNode

$. oNode

The oNode class represents a node in the Harmony scene.
It holds the value of its position in the node view, and functions to link to other nodes, as well as set the attributes of the node.

It uses a cache system, so a node for a given path will only be created once.
If the nodes change path through other means than the openHarmony functions during the execution of the script, use oNode.invalidateCache() to create new nodes again.

This constructor should not be invoqued by users, who should use $.scene.getNodeByPath() or $.scene.root.getNodeByName() instead.

new $.oNode(path, oSceneObject)

openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 102
Constructor for $.oNode class
Name Type Description
path string Path to the node in the network.
oSceneObject $.oScene optional Access to the oScene object of the DOM.
  • NodeType
// To grab a node object from the scene, it's possible to create a new node object by calling the constructor:
var myNode = new $.oNode("Top/Drawing", $.scn)

// However, most nodes will be grabbed directly from the scene object.
var doc = $.scn
var nodes = doc.nodes;                   // grabs the list of all the nodes in the scene

// It's possible to grab a single node from the path in the scene
var myNode = doc.getNodeByPath("Top/Drawing")
var myNode = doc.$node("Top/Drawing")    // short synthax but same function

// depending on the type of node, oNode objects returned by these functions can actually be an instance the subclasses
// oDrawingNode, oGroupNode, oPegNode...

$.log(myNode instanceof $.oNode)           // true
$.log(myNode instanceof $.oDrawingNode)  // true

// These other subclasses of nodes have other methods that are only shared by nodes of a certain type.

// Not documented in this class, oNode objects have attributes which correspond to the values visible in the Layer Properties window.
// The attributes values can be accessed and set by using the dot notation on the oNode object:

myNode.can_animate = false;
myNode.position.separate = true;
myNode.position.x = 10;

// To access the oAttribute objects in the node, call the oNode.attributes object that contains them

var attributes = myNode.attributes;



An object containing all attributes of this node.
// You can get access to the actual oAttribute object for a node parameter by using the dot notation:

var myNode = $.scn.$node("Top/Drawing")
var drawingAttribute = myNode.attributes.drawing.element

// from there, it's possible to set/get the value of the attribute, get the column, the attribute keyword etc.

drawingAttribute.setValue ("1", 5);           // creating an exposure of drawing 1 at frame 5
var drawingColumn = drawingAttribute.column;  // grabbing the column linked to the attribute that holds all the animation
$.log(drawingAttribute.keyword);              // "DRAWING.ELEMENT"

// for a more direct way to access an attribute, it's possible to also call:

var drawingAttribute = myNode.getAttributeByName("DRAWING.ELEMENT");


The bounds of the node rectangle in the node view.


Whether the node can create new in-ports.


Whether the node can create new out-ports.


The $.oNode objects contained in this group. This is deprecated and was moved to oGroupNode
  • Use oGroupNode.children instead.


    The list of backdrops which contain this node.


    Is the node enabled?


    Does the node exist?


    The derived path to the node.
    • use oNode.path instead


      The group containing the node.


      The height of the node in the node view.
      The list of oNodeLinks objects descibing the connections to the inport of this node, in order of inport.
      • returns $.oNodeLink instances but $.oLink is preferred. Use oNode.getInLinks() instead.


        The list of nodes connected to the inport of this node, in order of inport.
        • returns $.oNodeLink instances but $.oLink is preferred. Use oNode.linkedInNodes instead.


          The number of link ports on top of the node, connected or not.


          The list of nodes connected to the inport of this node, in order of inport. Similar to oNode.inNodes
          • alias for deprecated oNode.inNodes property


            Is the node a group?
            • check if the node is an instance of oGroupNode instead


              Is the node the root?


              The list of all columns linked across all the attributes of this node.


              The list of nodes connected to the inport of this node, as a flat list, in order of inport.


              The list of nodes connected to the inport of this node, as a flat list, in order of inport.


              Is the node locked?


              The transformation matrix of the node at the currentFrame.


              The node's name.


              The color of the node


              The position of the node.
              The list of oNodeLinks objects descibing the connections to the outports of this node, in order of outport.
              • returns $.oNodeLink instances but $.oLink is preferred. Use oNode.getOutLinks instead.


                The list of nodes connected to the outports of this node
                • returns $.oNodeLink instances but $.oLink is preferred. Use oNode.linkedOutNodes instead.


                  The number of link ports at the bottom of the node, connected or not.


                  The list of nodes connected to the outport of this node, in order of outport and links. Similar to oNode.outNodes
                  • alias for deprecated oNode.outNodes property


                    The $.oNode object for the parent in which this node exists.


                    The path of the node (includes all groups from 'Top' separated by forward slashes). To change the path of a node, use oNode.moveToGroup()


                    Is the node selected?


                    The type of the node.


                    The width of the node in the node view.


                    The horizontal position of the node in the node view.


                    The vertical position of the node in the node view.


                    The depth position of the node in the node view.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1809
                    Creates an $.oNodeLink and connects this node to the target via this nodes outport.
                    Name Type Description
                    nodeToLink oNode The target node as an in node.
                    ownPort int The out port on this node to connect to.
                    destPort int The in port on the inNode to connect to.
                    Type Description
                    $.oNodeLink the resulting created link.
                    var peg1     = $.scene.getNodeByPath( "Top/Peg1" );
                     var peg2     = $.scene.getNodeByPath( "Top/Group/Peg2" );
                     var newLink  = peg1.addOutLink( peg2, 0, 0 );

                    centerAbove(oNodeArray, xOffset, yOffset){oPoint}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1392
                    Place a node above one or more nodes with an offset.
                    Name Type Description
                    oNodeArray Array.<$.oNode> The array of nodes to center this above.
                    xOffset float The horizontal offset to apply after centering.
                    yOffset float The vertical offset to apply after centering.
                    Type Description
                    oPoint The resulting position of the node.

                    centerBelow(oNodeArray, xOffset, yOffset){oPoint}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1421
                    Place a node below one or more nodes with an offset.
                    Name Type Description
                    oNodeArray Array.<$.oNode> The array of nodes to center this below.
                    xOffset float The horizontal offset to apply after centering.
                    yOffset float The vertical offset to apply after centering.
                    Type Description
                    oPoint The resulting position of the node.

                    clone(newName, newPosition)

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1610
                    Create a clone of the node.
                    Name Type Description
                    newName string The new name for the cloned module.
                    newPosition oPoint The new position for the cloned module.

                    createAttribute(attrName, type, displayName, linkable){$.oAttribute}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1828
                    Creates a new dynamic attribute in the node.
                    Name Type Default Description
                    attrName string The attribute name to create.
                    type string "string" optional The type of the attribute ["string", "bool", "double", "int"]
                    displayName string attrName optional The visible attribute name to the GUI user.
                    linkable bool false optional Whether the attribute can be linked to a column.
                    Type Description
                    $.oAttribute The resulting attribute created.

                    duplicate(newName, newPosition)

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1641
                    Duplicates a node by creating an independent copy.
                    Name Type Description
                    newName string optional The new name for the duplicated node.
                    newPosition oPoint optional The new position for the duplicated node.

                    findFirstInLinkOfType(type, lookInsideGroups){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1155
                    Traverses the node hierarchy up until if finds a node of the given type.
                    Name Type Description
                    type string the type of node we are looking for
                    lookInsideGroups bool wether to consider the nodes inside connected groups
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode the found node

                    findFirstInNodeMatching(condition, lookInsideGroups){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1088
                    Traverses the node hierarchy up until if finds a node matching the condition.
                    Name Type Description
                    condition function a function returning true or false which can be used to find the node
                    lookInsideGroups bool wether to consider the nodes inside connected groups
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode the found node

                    findFirstInNodeOfType(type, lookInsideGroups){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1134
                    Traverses the node hierarchy up until if finds a node of the given type.
                    Name Type Description
                    type string the type of node we are looking for
                    lookInsideGroups bool wether to consider the nodes inside connected groups
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode the found node

                    findFirstOutLinkOfType(type, lookInsideGroups){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1168
                    Traverses the node hierarchy up until if finds a node of the given type.
                    Name Type Description
                    type string the type of node we are looking for
                    lookInsideGroups bool wether to consider the nodes inside connected groups
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode the found node

                    findFirstOutNodeMatching(condition, lookInsideGroups){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1111
                    Traverses the node hierarchy down until if finds a node matching the condition.
                    Name Type Description
                    condition function a function returning true or false which can be used to find the node
                    lookInsideGroups bool wether to consider the nodes inside connected groups
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode the found node

                    findFirstOutNodeOfType(type, lookInsideGroups){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1144
                    Traverses the node hierarchy down until if finds a node of the given type.
                    Name Type Description
                    type string the type of node we are looking for
                    lookInsideGroups bool wether to consider the nodes inside connected groups
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode the found node


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1737
                    Provides a matching attribute based on the column name provided. Assumes only one match at the moment.
                    Name Type Description
                    columnName string The column name to search.
                    Type Description
                    oAttribute The matched attribute object, given the column name.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1701
                    Provides a matching attribute based on provided keyword name. Keyword can include "." to get subattributes.
                    Name Type Description
                    keyword string The attribute keyword to search.
                    Type Description
                    oAttribute The matched attribute object, given the keyword.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 930
                    Returns a free unconnected in-port
                    Name Type Default Description
                    createNew bool true optional Whether to allow creation of new ports
                    Type Description
                    int the port number that isn't connected


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1067
                    Returns a free unconnected out-port
                    Name Type Default Description
                    createNew bool false optional Whether to allow creation of new ports
                    Type Description
                    int the port number that isn't connected
                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 893
                    Returns the oLink object representing the connection of a specific inPort
                    Name Type Description
                    inPort int the number of the port to get links from.
                    Type Description
                    $.oLink the oLink Object representing the link connected to the inport
                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 912
                    Returns all the valid oLink objects describing the links that are connected into this node.
                    Type Description
                    Array.<$.oLink> An array of $.oLink objects.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 882
                    Returns the number of links connected to an in-port
                    Name Type Description
                    inPort int the number of the port to get links from.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1003
                    Returns the node connected to a specific in-port
                    Name Type Description
                    inPort int the number of the port to get the linked Node from.
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode The node connected to this in-port

                    getLinkedOutNode(outPort, outLink){$.oNode}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1219
                    Returns the node connected to a specific outPort
                    Name Type Default Description
                    outPort int the number of the port to get the node from.
                    outLink int 0 optional the index of the link.
                    Type Description
                    $.oNode The node connected to this outPort and outLink


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1327
                    Get the transformation matrix for the node at the given frame
                    Name Type Description
                    frameNumber int
                    Type Description
                    oMatrix the matrix object
                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1026
                    Returns the $.oLink object representing the connection of a specific outPort / link
                    Name Type Description
                    outPort int the number of the port to get the link from.
                    outLink int optional the index of the link.
                    Type Description
                    $.oLink The link object describing the connection
                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1046
                    Returns all the valid oLink objects describing the links that are coming out of this node.
                    Type Description
                    Array.<$.oLink> An array of $.oLink objects.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1014
                    Returns the number of links connected to an outPort
                    Name Type Description
                    outPort int the number of the port to get links from.
                    Type Description
                    int the number of links


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1338
                    Retrieves the node layer in the timeline provided.
                    Name Type Description
                    timeline oTimeline optional Optional: the timeline object to search the column Layer. (by default, grabs the current timeline)
                    Type Description
                    int The index within that timeline.

                    insertInNode(inPort, oNodeObject, inPortTarget, outPortTarget){bool}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1257
                    Inserts the $.oNodeObject provided as an innode to this node, placing it between any existing nodes if the link already exists.
                    Name Type Description
                    inPort int This node's inport to connect.
                    oNodeObject $.oNode The node to link this one's outport to.
                    inPortTarget int The target node's inPort to connect.
                    outPortTarget int The target node's outPort to connect.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the link, if successful.

                    linkInNode(nodeToLink, ownPort, destPort, createPorts){bool}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 954
                    Links this node's inport to the given module, at the inport and outport indices.
                    Name Type Description
                    nodeToLink $.oNode The node to link this one's inport to.
                    ownPort int optional This node's inport to connect.
                    destPort int optional The target node's outport to connect.
                    createPorts bool optional Whether to create new ports on the nodes.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the link, if successful.

                    linkOutNode(nodeToLink, ownPort, destPort, createPorts){bool}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1183
                    Links this node's out-port to the given module, at the inport and outport indices.
                    Name Type Description
                    nodeToLink $.oNode The node to link this one's outport to.
                    ownPort int optional This node's outport to connect.
                    destPort int optional The target node's inport to connect.
                    createPorts bool optional Whether to create new ports on the nodes.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the link, if successful.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1277
                    Moves the node into the specified group. This doesn't create any composite or links to the multiport nodes. The node will be unlinked.
                    Name Type Description
                    group oGroupNode the group node to move the node into.

                    orderAboveNodes(verticalSpacing, horizontalSpacing)

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1473
                    Sorts the nodes above this node in a grid like manner, based on their links.
                    Name Type Default Description
                    verticalSpacing int 120 optional optional: The spacing between two rows of nodes.
                    horizontalSpacing int 40 optional optional: The spacing between two nodes horizontally.

                    placeAtCenter(oNodeArray, xOffset, yOffset){oPoint}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1450
                    Place at center of one or more nodes with an offset.
                    Name Type Description
                    oNodeArray Array.<$.oNode> The array of nodes to center this below.
                    xOffset float The horizontal offset to apply after centering.
                    yOffset float The vertical offset to apply after centering.
                    Type Description
                    oPoint The resulting position of the node.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1880
                    Refreshes/rebuilds the attributes and getter/setters.
                    Name Type Description
                    oNodeObject $.oNode The node to link this one's inport to.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the unlink.

                    remove(deleteColumns, deleteElements){void}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1673
                    Removes the node from the scene.
                    Name Type Description
                    deleteColumns bool Should the columns of drawings be deleted as well?
                    deleteElements bool Should the elements of drawings be deleted as well?
                    Type Description


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1869
                    Removes an existing dynamic attribute in the node.
                    Name Type Description
                    attrName string The attribute name to remove.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the removal.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1370
                    obtains the nodes contained in the group, allows recursive search. This method is deprecated and was moved to oGroupNode
                    Name Type Description
                    recurse bool Whether to recurse internally for nodes within children groups.
                    • Yes
                    Type Description
                    Array.<$.oNode> The subbnodes contained in the group.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1355
                    Retrieves the node index in the timeline provided.
                    Name Type Description
                    timeline oTimeline optional Optional: the timeline object to search the column Layer. (by default, grabs the current timeline)
                    Type Description
                    int The index within that timeline.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1727
                    Used in converting the node to a string value, provides the string-path.
                    Type Description
                    string The node path's as a string.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 970
                    Searches for and unlinks the $.oNode object from this node's inNodes.
                    Name Type Description
                    oNodeObject $.oNode The node to link this one's inport to.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the unlink.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 990
                    Unlinks a specific port from this node's inport.
                    Name Type Description
                    inPort int The inport to disconnect.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the unlink, if successful.


                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1200
                    Links this node's out-port to the given module, at the inport and outport indices.
                    Name Type Description
                    oNodeObject $.oNode The node to unlink from this node's outports.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the link, if successful.

                    unlinkOutPort(outPort, outLink){bool}

                    openHarmony/openHarmony_node.js, line 1233
                    Unlinks a specific port/link from this node's output.
                    Name Type Description
                    outPort int The outPort to disconnect.
                    outLink int The outLink to disconnect.
                    Type Description
                    bool The result of the unlink, if successful.