Class: oNetwork

$. oNetwork

Network Helper Class

new $.oNetwork($)

openHarmony/openHarmony_network.js, line 59
Network helper for HTTP methods.
Available under $.network
Name Type Description
$ dom The connection back to the DOM.


downloadMulti(instructions, replace)

openHarmony/openHarmony_network.js, line 319
Threads multiple downloads at a time [10 concurrent]. Downloads a from the internet at the given addresses
Note, only implemented with useCurl=true.
Name Type Description
instructions Array.<object> The instructions for download, in format [ { "path": localPathOnDisk, "url":"DownloadPath" } ]
replace bool Replace the file if it exists.

downloadSingle(address, path, replace)

openHarmony/openHarmony_network.js, line 277
Downloads a file from the internet at the given address
Note, only implemented with useCurl=true.
Name Type Description
address string The address for the file to be downloaded.
path function The local file path to save the download.
replace bool Replace the file if it exists.

webQuery(address, callback_func, use_json)

openHarmony/openHarmony_network.js, line 92
Connects to HTTP and gets the text response from a web site/API.
Note, Harmony has issues with HTTPS, useCurl=true prevents this
Name Type Description
address string The address for the web query.
callback_func function Providing a callback function prevents blocking, and will respond on this function. The callback function is in form func( results ){}
use_json bool In the event of a JSON api, this will return an object converted from the returned JSON.