Class: oDatabase

$. oDatabase

A class to access the contents of the Harmony database from a scene.

new $.oDatabase()

openHarmony/openHarmony_database.js, line 58
The constructor for the $.oDataBase.



openHarmony/openHarmony_database.js, line 80
Lists the environments existing on the local database
Type Description
Array.<string> The list of names of environments


openHarmony/openHarmony_database.js, line 97
Lists the jobs in the given environment in the local database
Name Type Description
environment string optional The name of the environment to return the jobs from. Returns the jobs from the current environment by default.
Type Description
Array.<string> The list of job names in the environment.


openHarmony/openHarmony_database.js, line 120
Lists the scenes in the given environment in the local database
Name Type Description
job string optional The name of the jobs to return the scenes from. Returns the scenes from the current job by default.
Type Description
Array.<string> The list of scene names in the job.