Class: oDrawingColumn

$. oDrawingColumn

oDrawingColumn is a special case of column which can be linked to an oElement. This type of column is used to display drawings and always is visible in the Xsheet window.

new $.oDrawingColumn(uniqueName, oAttributeObject)

openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 558
the $.oDrawingColumn constructor. Only called internally by the factory function scene.getColumnByName();
Name Type Description
uniqueName string The unique name of the column.
oAttributeObject $.oAttribute The oAttribute thats connected to the column.
Name Type Description
uniqueName string The unique name of the column.
attributeObject $.oAttribute The attribute object that the column is attached to.




Retrieve and set the drawing element attached to the column.


An array of the oFrame objects provided by the column.


An array of the keyframes provided by the column.


The name of the column.


Whether the column is selected.


An object with three int values : start, end and step, representing the value of the stepped section parameter (interpolation with non linear "step" parameter).


Provides the available subcolumns, based on the type of the column.


The type of the column. There are nine column types: drawing (DRAWING), sound (SOUND), 3D Path (3DPATH), Bezier Curve (BEZIER), Ease Curve (EASE), Expression (EXPR), Timing (TIMING) for timing columns, Quaternion path (QUATERNIONPATH) for 3D rotation and Annotation (ANNOTATION) for annotation columns.


duplicate(duplicateElement, newAttribute){$.oColumn}

openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 617
Duplicates a Drawing column.
Name Type Default Description
duplicateElement bool true optional Whether to also duplicate the element. Default is true.
newAttribute $.oAttribute optional Whether to link the new column to an attribute at this point.
Type Description
$.oColumn The created column.

extendExposures(exposures, amount, replace)

openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 595
Extends the exposure of the drawing's keyframes by the specified amount.
Name Type Default Description
exposures Array.<$.oFrame> optional The exposures to extend. If not specified, extends all keyframes.
amount int optional The number of frames to add to each exposure. If not specified, will extend frame up to the next one.
replace bool false optional Setting this to false will insert frames as opposed to overwrite existing ones.(currently unsupported))

inherited getKeyframes(){Array.<$.oFrame>}

openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 375
Filters out only the keyframes from the frames array.
Type Description
Array.<$.oFrame> Provides the array of frames from the column.

inherited getKeyFrames(){Array.<$.oFrame>}

openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 402
Filters out only the keyframes from the frames array.
  • For case consistency, keyframe will never have a capital F
    Type Description
    Array.<$.oFrame> Provides the array of frames from the column.

    inherited getTimelineLayer(timeline){int}

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 466
    Retrieves the nodes index in the timeline provided.
    Name Type Description
    timeline oTimeline optional Optional: the timeline object to search the column Layer. (by default, grabs the current timeline)
    Type Description
    int The index within that timeline.

    inherited getValue(frame){various}

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 413
    Gets the value of the column at the given frame.
    Name Type Default Description
    frame int 1 optional The frame at which to get the value
    Type Description
    various The value of the column, can be different types depending on column type.

    inherited interpolateValueAtFrame(percentage, frameNumber)

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 494
    Create/Set a key at the given percentage between the surrounding keys. Requires the column to contain at least 2 keys.
    Name Type Description
    percentage int a value between 0 and 100 representing the position between first and second key
    frameNumber int the frame number to place the new value.
    // grab the current node and create a key at the current frame halfway between existing keys on all linked columns for this node.
    var selectedNode = $.scn.selectedNodes[0];
    var columns = _node.linkedColumns;
    var percentage = 50;
    var frameNumber = $.scn.currentFrame();
    for (var i in columns){
    	   columns[i].interpolateValueAtFrame(percentage, frameNumber); // ommitting the arguments will create a key at 50% on current frame by default.
        // will output errors for columns with less than 2 keys or which type don't support interpolation (for ex, DRAWING)

    inherited remove()

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 265
    Deletes the column from the scene. The column must be unlinked from any attribute first.

    inherited removeDuplicateKeys()

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 294
    Removes concurrent/duplicate keys from drawing layers.


    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 681
    Removes unused drawings from the column.
    Name Type Description
    exposures Array.<$.oFrame> The exposures to extend. If UNDEFINED, extends all keyframes.

    renameAllByFrame(prefix, suffix)

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 646
    Renames the column's exposed drawings according to the frame they are first displayed at.
    Name Type Description
    prefix string optional a prefix to add to all names.
    suffix string optional a suffix to add to all names.

    inherited setValue(newValue, frame)

    openHarmony/openHarmony_column.js, line 438
    Sets the value of the column at the given frame.
    Name Type Default Description
    newValue various The new value to set the column to
    frame int 1 optional The frame at which to get the value