Class: oAttribute

$. oAttribute

The $.oAttribute class holds the smart version of the parameter you can find in layer property.
It is used internally to get and set values and link a oColumn to a parameter in order to animate it. (Users should never have to instantiate this class)
For a list of attributes existing in each node type and their type, as well as examples of the values they can hold, refer to :

new $.oAttribute(oNodeObject, attributeObject, parentAttribute)

openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 84
The constructor for the $.oAttribute class.
Name Type Description
oNodeObject $.oNode The oNodeObject that the attribute is associated to.
attributeObject attr The internal harmony Attribute Object.
parentAttribute $.oAttribute The parent attribute of the subattribute.
Name Type Description
node $.oNode The oNode this attribute belongs to.
attributeObject attr The internal harmony Attribute Object.
keyword string The keyword describing this attribute. (always in lower case)
shortKeyword string The full keyword describing this attribute, including parent attributes separated with a "." (always in lower case)
parentAttribute $.oAttribute The parent oAttribute object
subAttributes Array.<$.oAttribute> The subattributes of this attribute.
// oAttribute objects can be grabbed from the node .attributes object with dot notation, by calling the attribute keyword in lowercase.

var myNode = $.scn.getSelectedNodes()[0];          // grab the first selected node
var Xattribute = myNode.attributes.position.x;     // gets the position.x attribute of the node if it has it (for example, PEG nodes have it)

var Xcolumn = Xattribute.column;                   // retrieve the linked column to the element (The object that holds the animation)

Xattribute.setValue(5, 5);                         // sets the value to 5 at frame 5

// attribute values can also be set directly on the node when not animated:
myNode.position.x = 5;



The column attached to the attribute.
// link a new column to an attribute by setting this value:
var myColumn = $.scn.addColumn("BEZIER");
myNode.attributes.position.x.column = myColumn; // values contained in "myColumn" now define the animation of our peg's x position

// to automatically create a column and link it to the attribute, use:
myNode.attributes.position.x.addColumn(); // if the column exist already, it will just be returned.

// to unlink a column, just set it to null/undefined:
myNode.attributes.position.x.column = null; // values are no longer animated.


Returns the default value of the attribute for most keywords
  • switch the implentation to types?
// to reset an attribute to its default value:
// (mostly used for position/angle/skew parameters of pegs and drawing nodes)
var myAttribute = $.scn.nodes[0].attributes.position.x;



The frames array holding the values of the animation. Starts at 1, as array indexes correspond to frame numbers.


An array of only the keyframes (frames with a set value) of the animation.


The full keyword of the attribute.


The display name of the attribute


The part of the attribute's keyword that is after the "." for subAttributes.


The type of the attribute.



openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 671
Adds a column with a default name, based on the attribute type. If a column already exists, it returns it.
Type Description
$.oColumn the created column


openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 412
Provides the keyframes of the attribute.
Type Description
Array.<$.oFrame> The filtered keyframes.


openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 424
Provides the keyframes of the attribute.
  • For case consistency, keyframe will never have a capital F
    Type Description
    Array.<$.oFrame> The filtered keyframes.


    openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 436
    Recursively get all the columns linked to the attribute and its subattributes
    Type Description
    Array.<$.oColumn> the list of columns linked to the subattributes


    openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 484
    Gets the value of the attribute at the given frame.
    Name Type Description
    frame int The frame at which to set the value, if not set, assumes 1
    Type Description
    object The value of the attribute in the native format of that attribute (contextual to the attribute).

    setValue(value, frame)

    openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 587
    Sets the value of the attribute at the given frame.
    Name Type Default Description
    value string The value to set on the attribute.
    frame int 1 optional The frame at which to set the value, if not set, assumes 1


    openHarmony/openHarmony_attribute.js, line 725
    Gets the value of the attribute at the given frame.
    Name Type Description
    frame int The frame at which to set the value, if not set, assumes 1
    • use oAttribute.getValue(frame) instead (see: function names as verbs)
      Type Description
      object The value of the attribute in the native format of that attribute (contextual to the attribute).